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Troy loves the penetration and he's bucking his hips to get the shaft pounding him deeper. Scott's no slouch either, covered with a roadmap of tattoos with an intimidatingly hefty musculature…With no time to spare, Scott is deep inside Troy's hole, shit talking the power bottom and driving that fat cock hard. Troy is hulking, hairy and hung, and he loves to feel a cock in his as as much as he loves ramming his sperm-lubed shaft up another dude's hairy hole. Neither cared much about foreplay, and they were quickly shirtless, then naked on the couch, jerking each other's cocks and roughly kissing beard-on-beard.

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This is the update we've been dying to bring you on Hairy and Raw for ages, featuring a pair of brawny tough fuckers, ready to get their fuckon and let loose a gallon of cum…Scott Irish and Troy Webb are making their returns to the site after seemingly forever, and we were thrilled to get them together during our recent trip to Dallas.

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